SWEP - Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Temelli Şiddet Çalıştayları

Gender Awareness and Gender-based Violence Trainings

Gender Awareness and Gender-based Violence Trainings

The gender awareness trainings aim to raise awareness on the concept of gender and gender roles, to discuss the construction of these roles within the patriarchal culture and to raise awareness about the subjectivation practices. In these trainings, the construction of gender roles through the patriarchal culture, institutions, family and education will be discussed and analysed at structural level.

Another important topic of the gender trainings is gender-based violence. Within these trainings the gender-based violence and actors of gender-based violence will be examined. The purpose of these trainings are to discuss the concept of gender-based violence in relation to the examples of gender-based violence in different contexts such as domestic violence, partner violence, physical violence, sexual violence, psychological violence, economic violence, gender-based violence experienced at the workplace and in public. The gender-based violence trainings aim to raise awareness about the fact that women are not responsible for the violence they experience and should not feel guilty. Shame and not talking about the violence experienced will be thematised within training groups and will be discussed as a process to work on the self-constitution of the subjects, who have experienced gender-based violence.

The concepts of gender and gender-based violence will be thematised with the discussion about the migrant and refugee women’s legal statuses and by considering the ethnical and gender-based discrimination and the cultural differences. In this sense, gender discrimination, the legal statute of the migrant and refugee women and ethnical and cultural based discrimination will be integrated into the concept of the gender trainings.

Tomtom Mahallesi, Yeniçarşı caddesi, No:22/13, Beyoğlu-İSTANBUL