SWEP - Radyoculuk Eğitimi ve Sertifika Programı

Radio Education and Certificate Program

Content of the Certificate Programme


The aim of this certificate program is to teach the production of radio programs in line with the digital and traditional formats. In this context, the program aims to teach the production of various radio programs with live broadcasting and recording and installation techniques especially on online platforms.


The certificate program aims to provide a 50-hour training on the topics listed below:


The characteristics of radio broadcasting and radio language

This course includes lectures about the basic features of radio broadcasting, the aims and rules of radio text writing, and the requirements regarding the language of broadcasting.

The audio materials and how features should be used in the radio.

The course will cover the sound effects used in radio programs including information about how music and natural sounds should be used.


Sound editing, recording and montage

This course will include lectures about the use of sound programs and lectures on how to use natural voices and recorded speech.


Types of radio programs and their features

This course offers information about the types of radio programs and their features.


Live Broadcasting

Live broadcasting about selected types of radio programs will be carried out after completing the theoretical courses.